live caricature events

Listen up, hipsters, let me lay it down smooth. At a live caricature gig, I’m the trad-daddy, dealin’ in classic vibes. Check it: B&W heads only, I can whip through 15-20 cool cats an hour, bringin’ their mugs to life. Diggin’ the whole enchilada? B&W body and a hilarious gag—that’ll slow my roll a bit, groovin’ at 10-15 folks per hour. Now, if you want the colors to pop, heads only, I’ll still hook you up, but we’re talkin’ 10-15 peeps in that same time frame. But hey, if you’re lookin’ for the full-color extravaganza—body and a killer gag—that’s where the magic really happens, though the pace chills to 5-10 cats per hour. So there you have it, my friends, the scoop on how I roll at a live caricature event, bringin’ the jazz and the laughs in every stroke.

purchase art

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commission art

A short description of your service. Lorem ipsm dolor amet, consec tetur adipis cing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incid idunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exer citation ullamco la enim lorem.

Frequently Asked Questions

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how many faces can you draw per hour?

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